What is Next Gamers?
Next Gamers is a student group within the MIT dorm Next House. We're comprised of a bunch of video game and board game conoisseurs that come together to play games almost every week. Next Gamers has both formal and informal gatherings. Sometimes we're hosting an event with snacks or a themed game night, other times a few people spontaneously get together to game in the evening or an individual can simply play a video game on their own.
How can you get involved?
Next Gamers typically hosts board game and video game events separately, so if you're interested in one or both, we encourage you to join Next Gamers! Regardless, membership is not a requirement to participate in Next Gamers events. If you do join Next Gamers, you become a general member (i.e. you don't join either half specifically), and can participate in any event freely.
Membership is open to any currently enrolled MIT student. You do not have to live in Next House to become a member of Next Gamers. We have no dues or prerequisites for members, and joining is super simple! First, you can either email to express interest or add yourself to the mailing list.
Then, once you participate in any Next Gamers affiliated event, you'll be considered a full member.
To get even more involved, you can run for a Next Gamers Exec position. We hold elections near the start of every Spring semester. For full details on the 5 Exec positions and how elections are run, refer to the Constitution on our People page.
What games do we have?
Next Gamers boasts a huge collection of both board games and video games (for the PS4). Check out the Games page to see a full catalog of our game collection as well as instructions on checkout and usage!
Who helps run Next Gamers?
We depend on all of our members to keep the group thriving! As far as official leadership goes, we have an Executive Board of 5 Nexties. For info on the current Next Gamers Exec as well as a peek at our full Constitution, visit the People page.