Next House has many resources for students to access from the Residential Peer Mentors Program to our Area Director and Heads of House. All the members of the community are there to help and support students and specifically freshmen as they accustom to Next and the Institute.
Next House is one of four dorms with the Residential Peer Mentor (RPM) Program. This means that in addition to being assigned a faculty advisor and associate advisor, you and other first year students living on your floor will also be paired with an upperclass Nextie who serves as your Peer Mentor. The Peer Mentors are here to be a resource and to help you in any way you may need while navigating your first year here at Next House and the Institute. You’ll hear from Next’s Peer Mentors later this summer!
GRAs are graduate residence assistants that live in each wing, ready to provide advice, throw awesome study breaks, and generally make your stay at Next House more enjoyable!
Each wing also elects one or more student wing-reps, who also help throw study breaks and generally make sure that the people in their wings are happy.
The Next House Team is made up of our AD (Area Director),Sandra Texeira [sandramt]; our Heads of Houses, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero [pjarillo] and Empar Rollano-Hijarrubia [empar]; and the GRAs of each wing.
Next Exec is our student government. Exec is responsible for running the housing lotteries, planning social events and study breaks, managing finances, keeping in touch with alumni, and generally making sure Next House doesn’t burn down. You can view Next Exec’s Constitution and Bylaws, which lays out their responsibilities and procedures.
President: Leo Yao [next-president]
Hi! I'm Leo and I p r e s i d e. I'm a '25 studying physics and CS, and aside from being on Exec since forever, I enjoy singing in Next Sing, playing the piano, running, climbing, skiing, and figure skating.
VP Relations: Caroline Liu [next-vprel]
Blurb coming soon!
Co-VP Facilities:Eldar Urkumbayev[next-vpfac]
Blurb coming soon!
Co-VP Facilities:Yoland Gao[next-vpfac]
Hello, I'm Yoland, and I'm your co-VP of Facilities. I’m a ’25 studying EE, and I hope that by the end of the year, Next House will be less of a leaky house.
Social Chair: Jessica Chen [next-social]
Blurb coming soon!
Secretary: Angela Guo [next-secretary]
Blurb coming soon!
Technology Chair: [next-techchair]
Blurb coming soon!
Housing Chair: Jonathan Huang [next-housing]
Hello, I'm Jonathan. I'm a '25 studying 6-2 and 7 (and 8 and 18), and I also run Next Thanksgiving!
Dining Chair: Lasya Balachandran [next-dining]
Blurb coming soon!
Treasurer: Ian Hueston [next-treasurer]
Blurb coming soon!
JudComm: Luke Robitaille [next-judcomm]
Blurb coming soon!
Alumni Chair: Geoffery Enwere [next-alumni]
Blurb coming soon!
Publicity Chair: Becca Chang [next-publicity]
Blurb coming soon!
Makerspace Chair: Luke Haws [next-makerspace-chair]
Blurb coming soon!