Student Resources

Next House has many resources for students to access from the Residential Peer Mentors Program to our Area Director and Heads of House. All the members of the community are there to help and support students and specifically freshmen as they accustom to Next and the Institute.

Residential Peer Mentors

Next House is one of four dorms with the Residential Peer Mentor (RPM) Program. This means that in addition to being assigned a faculty advisor and associate advisor, you and other first year students living on your floor will also be paired with an upperclass Nextie who serves as your Peer Mentor. The Peer Mentors are here to be a resource and to help you in any way you may need while navigating your first year here at Next House and the Institute. You’ll hear from Next’s Peer Mentors later this summer!

Graduate Resident Tutors and Wing-Reps

GRTs are graduate residence tutors that live in each wing, ready to provide advice, throw awesome study breaks, and generally make your stay at Next House more enjoyable!

Each wing also elects one or more student wing-reps, who also help throw study breaks and generally make sure that the people in their wings are happy.

The House Team

The Next House Team is made up of our RLAD (Residential Life Area Director) - Katie Rettie [rettiek], our Heads of Houses, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero [pjarillo] and Empar Rollano-Hijarrubia [empar], and the GRTs of each wing.

Next Exec

Next Exec is our student government. Exec is responsible for running the housing lotteries, planning social events and study breaks, managing finances, keeping in touch with alumni, and generally making sure Next House doesn’t burn down. You can view Next Exec’s Constitution and Bylaws, which lays out their responsibilities and procedures.

President: Alan Zhu [next-president] alan

Hi! I’m Alan and I p r e s i d e. I’m a ‘23 studying writing, math, and CS, and am a big fan of musicals, fruit, and long walks. You can usually find me in the 4W main lounge!

VP Relations: Leo Yao [next-vprel] leo

Hi! I’m Leo, a ‘25 who has many big ideas and never enough time to pursue them all. I'm studying physics, math, and CS, and enjoy figure skating, writing, and having long chats with good friends. You can find me either in 3E or 4W lounge, or playing one of two very specific songs on the TFL piano.

VP Facilities & Services: Jonathan Huang [next-vpfac] jonathan

Hello, I'm Jonathan, and I'm your VP of Facilities. I hope that fewer things will be broken by the end of this year.

Social Chair: Darren Yao [next-social] darren

Hello! I run events with f r e e f o o d.

Secretary: Fatima Nasir Abbasi [next-secretary] fatima

hii! I am Fatima, a ‘25 and your Secretary for this year. I am a prospective math major, but occasionally also 5000 other ones. I like to read and write, but most of all, meeting new people!! Find me in the 4W main lounge or 4C lounge.

Technology Chair: Michelle Liang [next-techchair]

HI i'm michelle and i dont have a picture or full bio yet because im still learning the website lol

Housing Chair: Marissa Abbott [next-housing] marissa

Hello, I’m Marissa, a strange 2e resident who double spaces her sentences and is commonly singing. Feel free to send me an email if you've any questions about housing or want to see my favorite meme of the day!

Dining Chair: Vincent Fan [next-dining] vincent

Hi! I'm Vincent and I like to eat food. I am the dining chair.

Treasurer: Wayne Zhao [next-treasurer] wayne

Wayne Zhao is an aspring MIT student who loves it when people define square root functions that only return one output. Although why do functions only return one output? Mathematicians have a few ways of getting around this.

JudComm: Sruthi Parthasarathi [next-judcomm] sruthi

Heyo! I'm Sruthi, a 2024 in Course 20+18C, 2Wester, and JudComm. I get excited by mint green, cool architecture, singing, and actually just about everything else too, so feel free to come by the 2W main lounge and chat with me :)

Alumni Chair: Kiersten Mitzel [next-alumni] kiersten

Hi all! I'm Kiersten, the resident off-campus alum of Next House here to represent the amazing alums!!! I'm a course 6-2 minoring in theater and love any and all things when it comes to the arts. In my free time you'll normally find me drawing/painting, obsessing over theatre, or hanging with the homies. Although you can't find me in any wing or room of Next, you'll probably see a few posts on next-forum and can catch me on campus!

Publicity Chair: Frankie Schulte [next-publicity] frankie

Hello? Hi! My name is Frankie, and I am the publicity chair for Next House! I'm currently a second year in 2E doubling in 6-3 and 4B with a minor in Japanese. With my very abundant free time, I'm a part of MIT's sport taekwondo club, figure skating club, The Tech manboard, and a chair on the 2024 Ring Committee! Pubbing my beloved ❤